On Sunday, 01/05/25, we celebrate Epiphany Stargift Sunday as we remember the magi, who followed a star and journeyed to the baby Jesus. In honor of their journey and the gifts they presented, we will each receive a gift that will take us on a journey with God in 2025: a Stargift.
Each person will select a star on which a word has been printed, without seeing which word is on the star being selected. Each word represents a quality, talent, skill, or aptitude. It may be something possessed in abundance. It may be something that is sought. It may be something to be developed. Whatever is the case, the Stargift selected takes us on a journey with God. We are to trust God to guide us through our star and let the experience be a reminder of the new birth that comes through the light of Jesus Christ.
Stargifts are available for those not present, also. They can be delivered to shut-ins or mailed to someone who is not able to be present.
